Earn money from home! Work from home, be your own boss, while you spend time with your children. It sounds simple, right? We’ve asked mums who run their own business, to talk about the challenges and the opportunities that they experience.

The first of our “Mums Are The Business” guest blogs is by Ginny Koppenhol. Ginny’s a photographer, based in Lancaster in Lancashire, UK. She started her her family and a new business around the same time. Ginny wrote a poem to describe her experiences of being a mother while running her own business.

Entrepreneurial Motherhood

By Ginny Koppenhol



Whilst reading Dr Seuss one night

As my daughter settled in bed,

I wondered if I could write a poem

To explain what’s in my head.


“Lots!” was my initial thought

Stuff always whizzing round my mind;

Playgroups, nappies, tax returns

And other things of that kind.


Being an ‘Entrepreneurial Mum’

Can be overwhelming, it’s true,

But on other days I love it all

And feel like I’m sailing through.


I happened upon my business idea

Whilst on mat leave four years ago.

Could I really leave my therapy career

To give photography a go?


So you could say my business and first baby

Were born around the same time,

Which is pretty exhausting when you think of it,

It felt like an uphill climb!


A sling becomes an essential

Taking baby where ever I go

Stopping to feed or change nappies

Clients get used to a child in tow.


Then teething begins and sleeps disappears

Things can get really tough,

I am always so grateful to family and friends

Who support me far more than enough.


One positive of this is the empathy it brings

For parents who are exhausted too.
It’s very handy during family shoots,

As I understand, I really do!


When starting out in business

You can’t do it all alone,

So get out there and find your tribe

Get some networking seeds sown!


For me Jane’s ‘Growing Club’ 

Was a fantastic place to start, 

Learning marketing, sales and self-care

Alongside developing my art.


My work is built on creativity

And motherhood has it in spades,

The crafts, the role plays, the songs,

Although sadly that bit isn’t paid.


I do lots of work in the evenings

Burning the midnight oil,

But even when tired, work makes my heart sing

And to that feeling I’m loyal.


My children inspired my job change

So a ‘happier me’ I could give,

I hope that my actions will also prompt

Them to choose the lives they live. 

Mothers Are The Business, talking about challenges and opportunities of running your own business
Baby looking out the window